Join our CSA Program!

Its time to start thinking about a new year of growth, prosperity and fresh produce! Pictured is our final distributed CSA box of 2021. What is a CSA program you ask? CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, the idea here is that local farmers are selling directly to the customers. No middle-man distribution company or corporate super market sticking their greedy fingers into our local economy, just farmers and customers/members directly communicating and benefiting from each other.

CSA programs have many benefits;

1.) Getting your food directly from the source.
2.) Receiving the freshest produce on the market (usually harvested the same day as distribution).
3.) Supporting local businesses and our local economy, which in turn makes our community flourish.
4.) Knowing where your food is grown and what farming practices go into producing that food.
5.) Decreasing your carbon footprint by not supporting out of state or even out of the country produce supply chains.
6.) Regaining your own physical energy levels, health and wellness from eating fresh, organic and nutrient dense produce.
7.) Creating strong community bonds through locally grown food, making our community more resilient to the inevitable fluctuations in our economy and the inflation of goods or services.
8.) Eating organically grown produce that has been grown in bio-nutrient dense soil, can offer you many times the nutrient density in your food then commercially grown food using chemical fertilizers.
9.) Peace of mind, knowing that your food has not been sprayed with hazardous topical preservatives to increase the longevity of shelf life.
10.) Learning farming/gardening knowledge for FREE from your CSA farmer, who is happy to share any tips/tricks they have learned along the way.

If you are interested in learning more about our CSA program or would like to know how you can become a member for the 2022 growing season, please reach out and we can fill you in on all the details!

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